Service support
We take special care to maintain high level of proficiency in our customer service and support department in order to enable our customers competitive advantage and stress-free environment.
Since the beginnings of Grafik.Net our technicians attend specialty trainings and seminars, and keep up-to-date with latest technology and trends in order to be competent to help our customers using our know-how and experience. Keeping us proficient, up-to-date, and sharing our knowledge is the only way we can provide our customers with such high level of service we take great pride at.
Besides competence, proper communication between partners matters great deal between business partners. Grafik.Net’s service always, utilises our engineer’s vast collective technical knowledge and experience and puts it to your disposal when it’s needed in order to respond to your technical inquiries, consumables, spare parts or problems.
Grafik.Net’s service currently employes 7 service engineers.
In order to be able to work in modern service, continuous training and certifying is needed. Such trainings are usually dune by equipment manufacturers in their training centres around the world, and for each equipment model separately. At the moment, Grafik.Net’s engineers collectively have over 100 equipment training certificates, and are actively maintaining over 200 various pieces of equipment. We are capable of providing up to 24/7 service coverage through several models of service contracts, regardless in or outside of warranty period.
Upon receiving request for our support, we first try to solve or diagnose the problem remotely by using contemporary remote support tools, so that we are aware of the problem or parts needed before we go on site. By doing this, we greatly reduce downtime for our customers.
Years of experience allows us to maintain optimised stock for majority of common spare parts. Parts that are not on our stock we usually get within 2 working days.
Every service visit is filed and archived, which enables us to keep complete history of problems and interventions done on every piece of equipment. In rare cases when our engineers are unable to diagnose a problem, we have full access to equipment manufacturer’s technical specialist support.
Our technicians are our pride, our strongest force at disposal to our clients and customers because they truly understand and respect their needs and ever growing market demands for high quality, speed and efficiency.